Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 36


Sorry I haven't posted. There is some stuff going on here that has me distracted.

Whatever happens, please know you will always hold a place in my heart.

Stand Corey string for the both of us.

- Sarah

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 33


You and James talked on the phone for a long time today. I think this is good for both of you. James won't admit it but he's really worried about you. He wants to make sure that everything is ok.

Keep standing strong, for everyone, including yourself. You've made it so far. I can't wait to see how much farther you come.

- Sarah

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 32


Keep your head up. I know things are going to be hard but just remember how far you have come in 32 days. You have many more hard days ahead of you. Your journey will not be easy but the things we truly want in life are never easy.

Please stand strong!

- Sarah

Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 31

Hi Corey,

One whole month! How far we have come in one whole month!

It is so hard to believe that just one month ago we weren't sure if you were going to live and we were huddle in the ICU waiting room at Medical University of South Carolina.

One month ago everyone's lives changed.

I am thankful for you. I'm thankful that your lungs are healing. I'm thankful for the Doctors and Nurses who worked around the clock to ease your pain, provide encouragement, and who cared for you. I'm thankful for the kindness of others, for those who provided places to lay our heads, who provided words of encouragement and prayers, and for those who aided us in our families time of need. I'm thankful that you are alive, awake. and in good spirits. I'm thankful for the progression you are making and for daily monuments you are making. I'm thankful that we have many more Christmas, Birthday, Thanksgiving, and random road trips ahead of us.

You have come so far in just one short month. From being airlifted to ICU, going through emergency surgery to reposition your lungs and check your internal organs, to being on a breathing tube, feeding tube, and other tubes. You've gone through spinal surgery and now have screws, pins, and rods helping your spine. You went through Phenomena. You were moved from MUSC in Charleston to Shepherd's in Atlanta. And now you are awake and being rehibilitation.

Please continue to stand Corey strong! We are all here with you.

- Sarah

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 30


Well your trache tube is out. Yay! You are finally going to be able to talk. I don't think we're going to be able to get you to shut up in the next few days

I'm sad to hear about your shoulder separation but no worries, compared to the other injuries you've been through I think that will be a quick fix.

You are 30 days in my friend! I'm thankful for you. Please continue to stand strong!

- Sarah

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 28


YAY on moving to a new pad today. I'm sure the change of scenery and a little more flexibility will be good for everyone.

Look what Meredith posted on Facebook this morning. What a great time we had this past Christmas.

Miss you buddy! I'm looking forward to many more great times together. Stand strong Corey.

- Sarah

Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 27


Well you are now somewhat mobile and talking. Before you know if you are going to be running Shepherd's.

I know you are feeling a little special K right now but I promise once you start aggressive therapy and your body remembers how to move again things will start to feel normal again.

Everyone is still praying for you and cheering you along. Your cheerleading section is daily growing. And I know your friends are glad that they can finally talk to you. You have so much to be thankful for. And God has great big plans for these next chapters in your life.

I'm standing strong with you Corey! Please know that you are never alone.

- Sarah

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Day 25


Yep! Still really weird that I'm writing to you now that you're awake and can remember things for yourself.

However, my friends and I have decided that we should tell you about all the things that you missed (or haven't missed) since the accident.

  1. 4th of July fireworks
  2. The Royal Baby is still not born
  3. We were all graced with the birth of Kayne West's baby, North West
  4. The Zimmerman case was acquitted and yes, there was an uprising
  5. Detroit filed Bankrupcy
A few other things have happened but that pretty much sums up the last few weeks.

James said you guys had an adventure putting on pants today. I can't wait to hear that story.

And I'm glad that you are moving around and were able to go outside for a little while today.

I'm looking forward to seeing you soon. I'm sorry I couldn't make it up this weekend. But we will stand together strong soon!

- Sarah

Friday, July 19, 2013

Day 24


I must say it is absoutely weird writing to you know that you are awake, moving, and aware of what is going on.

I'm thrilled that you starting to get up and move around. James wanted to take you on an adventure but he said you were hurting and not able to really move. It's because you have been laying around for 23 days of course you are going to be a little stiff. Give it a few days of therapy and you'll be adventuring all over Shepherd's and Atlanta with James.

Jared, our friend from the ICU at Medical University of South Carolina, is moving out of his regular room this weekend at Shepherd's into their outpatient apartment. You are supposed to be moving into a regular room next week so maybe it will be his. He had a quick recovery. Let's hope that will rub off on you :)

I'm looking forward to hearing more about your recovery and the progress that you make.

Keep standing strong. You're starting a new chapter!

- Sarah

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 22


The best part about today - we found out that you can feel your thighs and everything above your knees. YAY!! How awesome :)

Technically you are out of ICU but they are waiting on a regular room to open up. Hopefully you will be able to move soon.

You are fully awake, alert, and responding. Clay came and hung out for awhile today. It was good for you and him to spend some time together. James is traveling to Atlanta to spend the weekend with you. He's really been worried about you and is looking forward to seeing you awake and talking. I'm sure you're ready for a change of scenery, so hopefully you'll be able to move around the hospital facilities for a little while. I feel like that could be wishful thinking but well, anything is possible. I wish I was able to come up this weekend but I committed to work events because James had a coaching obligation that got canceled.

I'm looking forward to hearing all about the progression that you are making and the next plans that lie ahead for you. Daily I stand strong for you, among many others! Continue to stand strong for yourself. I want to see you soon!

- Sarah 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 21


Today we feel like we made progress today! You've been sitting up for about an hour to two hours at a time.

You're eating REAL food, none of that bagged crap through your nose. You're a fan of the applesauce and pudding but not so much the purred chicken but I don't think that would be my thing either. You and I are the picky eaters of the family :)

Talking with the trache is hard and I'm sure frustrating but you'll have your phone soon since James overnighted it to you. PS; you own us $20. You can pay up when you find your wallet. Actually on second thought, we may have your wallet. I'll check.

Overall, you are starting to actually be awake and remember where you are and what's going on around you. It's nice to have you back from your 20 day nap.

Continue to stand strong!

- Sarah

Monday, July 15, 2013

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 19


I had a really weird dream last night that you mom, dad, James and I all worked to steal you from Shepherd's. How silly? And no, we are not planning a big escape so don't get any ideas.

Today was the first day you started breathing on your own. See you just needed few more days of rest.

The Doctors are going to start clearing the medication from your system and working to wake you up. You are still very much confused and frustrated but hopefully when all the medication is out of your system you won't feel so confused.

Tereza came up this weekend to visit. It's good that you guys got to spend some time together.

Your dad went home to pastor this weekend. You are still in the churches thoughts and prayers. Lots of people are adding you to their prayer lists.

Continue to grow strong Corey as we all stand with you.

- Sarah

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 18


There still isn't a lot of change happening.

Even through the frustration of this "hurry up to wait" period we are all experiencing, we need to remember that God is still working. He's working to teach us all patience, trust, love, and most of all faith. It feel like through these times of waiting God is using them for something much bigger than anything that we can fathom. He's sending small, still reminders of life and the value of each day. He's reminding us of the brevity of life and how we shouldn't take for granted the people we love. He's teaching us to love unconditionally.

There are prayers for you. Prayers of healing, and of understanding. Prayers for knowledge for both the family and the Doctors.

I've been praying for God's will to be done. For the first few days, I prayed for life and recovery. I prayed for you to be able to return to complete normality. Then I began to feel selfish. God has such a plan for you that I felt by praying for a complete healing that I was taking away God's big plan for you. I don't want to take away God's plan for you. I want to be apart of God's plan. I want God to work such wonders in and through you. I ask that when this settles you embrace God's will for your life. I ask that you embrace is to the fullest and never look back. You have an amazing journey ahead of you! Please know that I am here to Stand Corey Strong with you.

- Sarah

Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 17


You took a little trip to Piedmont Hospital today and received your Trache Tube. Hopefully this will help you be a little more comfortable.

You're still pretty sedated. It's becoming a little frustrating for everyone but we just have to trust the Doctors to know that what they are doing is the best for you. To me it feels like you've been in ICU for months but in reality it has only been 17 days since you had your accident. That is only 17 days of healing. You have come so far in just 17 short days but you also have many more days of healing ahead of you.

We're still praying for you. And we daily stand strong with you as you recover.

- Sarah

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Day 16


Fix your lungs.

- James

PS; Feelz bettr soooooooooon.

- Beau Beau Dogg

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 15


Today was kind of an indifferent day. Nothing really great and nothing really bad.

The Doctor's at Shepherd's had to put your chest tubes back in. It was kind of a step backwards but we all want your lungs to heal.

Your friends are asking about you and they are wanting to visit. I'm not sure all the details of your visitation policy at Shepherd's but I will find out so everyone can start visiting.

Continue to stand strong!

- Sarah

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 14


You arrived in Atlanta safe and sound. The Doctors are helping to settle you into your new pad. I wish James and I could have traveled with you to Atlanta but we both had to go back to work and life today.

You're still on the ventilator and heavily sedated. Your body is needing some time to heal.

Now that you're at Shepherd's, your mom and dad have an apartment that they can stay in while you rehabilitate. I know their glad to have some space to themselves.

Today put you one step closer to recovery. I'm looking forward to seeing you soon awake and mobile.

Continue to stand strong Corey!

- Sarah

Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 13


I must say today was an absolutely frustrating day. You lucky little thing to be asleep during all the morning drama of trying to get paperwork done to move you. Everyone was back from vacation so your Lawyer, HR Department, and Shepherd's representative were all working hard for you today.

It is official - you will be moving to Shepherd's at 9:00 AM tomorrow. This is a great step and we're looking forward to starting to wake you up and start some therapy.

You still have your breathing tube and you are still initiating your own breaths. The ventilator is just filling your lungs with the oxygen that is needed. The Doctors don't want to remove your breathing tube until you have landed safely at Shepherd's and you are all checked in. If something happens while you are mid-flight with the pressure changes and all, the Doctors won't have enough space to work on you so the ventilator stays for a few more days.

No one is sure about your ability to walk or feel your legs. This is something that only time will be able to tell. We're all praying for God's will to be done. There is a bright side to every thing that happens and whatever we find out from this point forward will all be God's plan for you.

Psalms 139:16 is a great reminder of how God's plan for our lives is bigger than our own.
"Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."
We are standing strong with you! We're standing strong as you travel tomorrow. We're standing strong as you meet new Doctors and Nurses. We're standing strong as you begin therapy and rehabilitation. We're standing strong with you as you begin this new chapter in your life.

I'm thankful daily for you and for the lesson that you don't even know you're teaching.

We will see you in Atlanta soon!

- Sarah 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Day 12

Hi Corey,

Today was another sit and wait day. I think we are all a little tired of sitting and waiting, including you!

It seems that MUSC at this point is working to keep you stable and comfortable until you move to Shepherd's ICU on Tuesday. Since Shepherd's will be working on your therapy and rehabilitation I feel like MUSC wants to allow Shepherd's the ability to wake you and work with you in their ICU. Which is understandable but totally frustrating.

The Doctors came in and took out some of your drainage tubes. We didn't get to watch but you seem to be a little more comfortable now. You also passed your breathing test but you are still on the ventilator to help with the breathing process. Your lungs are still trying to heal from the accident and that is going to take time.

You woke up today while James and I sat with you. You recognized James and apparently you don't think that he is a dork. We can all debate this at a later date! When you aren't still heavily medicated.

James and I are going to be heading home tomorrow but just because we are heading back home doesn't mean that we don't love and care for you. It means that you need space as you prepare to travel to Atlanta and then on to Shepherd's. The next few weeks are going to be very intense and you are going to need lots of space to adjust and lots of rest. I have a feeling once you start therapy at Shepherd's you are going to be feeling a ton of pain and a ton of relief at the same time. Don't worry! If and when you need James or I or both, we will only be a little drive away.

Keep standing strong with us as you continue on to the next stage of recovery. It's going to be an intense but short road with lots of hard work. We are praying for you daily! Know you are loved.

- Sarah

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day 11


What a day buddy!

Not a lot to update on really. You're the same as you were yesterday.

The Doctors are going to try to start weaning you off of your medication during the day. Your going to start feeling a little more pain and hopefully start to wake up. I think they want you to be alert before moving you to Shepherd's.

They did say that they had no problem moving you to Shepherd's on Tuesday as long as they had a bed in ICU for you there. MUSC works close with Shepherd's and they are happy to send you there. I think Shepherd's has big plans for you so get ready for a wild ride!

You aren't going to be alone in Shepherd's. I think they are going to move you and the guy we met our first night in ICU together to Shepherd's for rehab. Not for the same treatment of course but just together to cut down on transportation costs I'm sure.

James and I sat together with you for about 4 hours today. It was hard for me. Today was the first day I have seen you since you arrived to ICU from the accident. You look like Corey but you don't "look" like Corey. You were restless and agitated. You are responsive sometime and recognize us but you're a little Dory fish and we have to keep reminding you that you are in ICU. I'm ready for my buddy Corey to be up and moving around.

Know I'm still standing strong with you! I'm looking forward to really seeing you soon.

- Sarah

Friday, July 5, 2013

Day 10


What a great day!

You made it through surgery. And it was very successful. You went in around 7:30 AM and came out about 4:00 PM. You now have screws and rods and pulls on your spine to hold your joints together. AND - the surgeon found that your spinal cord isn't severed!

We still don't know much about the walking situation but you are definitely going to head to Shepherd's Spinal Clinic in Atlanta. Actually you could head to Shepherd's as early as Tuesday.

Your mom and dad spent a lot of time talking with the representative from Shepherd's today while you were in surgery. Basically what is going to happen is the Doctors are going to clear youth be airlifted to Atlanta and from there you will be driven by ambulance to Shepherd's. Once at Shepherd's you are going to be put through grueling physical therapy and the Doctors are going to see what you can do. Their goal is by August/September for you to be able to go home with your parents and by January 1, 2014 for you to be able to live a full life independently. There are going to be some modification made in your life but you are going to be awesome. Beware James has big plans for you and him when you recover!

The out pouring of love and support today has been overwhelming! There are people all of praying for your recovery as we enter hopefully the last few days of ICU and the Medical University of South Caroline. I am so very thankful for the love and support shown to you and the family.

PawPaw and Pam where there today. They sat in the lobby with your mom and dad as you were in surgery. Also, Vicki, Sonny, and Alec came up. Vicki is going to stay tonight with your mom in the ICU waiting room. Your mom is getting up to check on you at 1:00 AM and 3:00 AM.

The Bundo's have been super awesome. They are letting James and I stay at their place this weekend. I can't begin to explain how awesome this family is. They are welcome at our home anytime! Their daughter Erin also works for a marketing firm that partners with my old job. What a small world!

Your are so very, very, very blessed! I'm looking forward to telling you about how blessed you are and how loved you are.

Please continue to stand strong with us as we stand strong for you! You are on the road to recovery now.

- Sarah

Ps; to any friends who want to visit, please try to do so tomorrow and Sunday as Corey may be leaving Charleston as early as Tuesday and I don't want him to miss anyone.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Day 9

Happy Fourth of July, Corey!

We are still waiting for tomorrow. You go into surgery at 7:30 tomorrow morning. I'm growing more anxious as we become closer to surgery time. I think everyone can agree that we are ready for this "sit and wait" period to be over. At this time, a few more concrete answers would be nice for everyone.

You're starting to remember where you are and more of what is happening on a daily basis. What great progress?

Be safe in surgery! We are all praying for you. James and I will see you tomorrow. I'm looking forward to our visit.

- Sarah :)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 8

Hi Corey,

It's hard to believe it's been a week. One whole week. It seems like a lifetime has flown by and time has stopped all at the same time. I'm thankful for your daily. You've made such a huge impact in everyone's lives.

We're still sitting and waiting. Surgery is still expected to happen on Friday. The family will be together to provide support this weekend. I'm sure more of your friends will make it up as well.

You did have to go back on the ventilator today. The Doctors told everyone to expect you to be on the ventilator until after surgery. You are initiating breathing on your own but need to ventilator to help your body get the oxygen that you need.

Continue to stand strong Corey, and we will continue to stand strong with you. People are daily praying for you. Know you are loved!

- Sarah

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 7

Hi Corey,

Almost made it through one whole week. It's hard to believe how quickly things can change every minuet, hour, day, and week. I'm thankful for you!

You have been taken off of the ventilator but you are still on oxygen. I haven't seen you but I'm sure you look like an old man :)

We do have great, great news! You talked today. Yippie! And it was typical Corey talk. You're first words were, "Get me out of here" and your second was, "Bring in a Red Bull".

Otherwise, it was a fairly stable day. Just lots of sitting and waiting.

Only a few more days until surgery. We should know lots more and have more answers after Friday.

Continue to stand strong. Remember we are all standing strong with you!

- Sarah

Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 6

Hi Corey,

Today was a great day!

Nick and Billy came back to visit you today. You guys spent time together for about 45 minutes together. What a blessing it is to have friends like this. All of your friends are still posting thoughts and prayer on Facebook and reading your website updates.

The Doctors want to try to push for you to be off the ventilator tomorrow. This is great! They think you are healing enough to begin breathing on your own. You did run a fever on and off today but this seems to be because you are being pulled off some medication in preparation for the removal of the ventilator.

The Nurses helped you stretch out today and they exercised your muscles. I'm sure you were thankful for this. As active as you are I bet you're pretty stiff right now. 

Surgery is still expected to happen as scheduled on Friday. James and I will be back on Friday for support as you enter surgery. Pam, Meredith, and PawPaw are all coming back either later on Wednesday or on Thursday. We will all be together with you for surgery!

Remember James' friend Brandon Rowe, his sister Elaine and her family sent you a card. We will bring it up on Friday.

Stay strong! We are on the road to recovery and we are all standing with you.

- Sarah :)