Saturday, June 29, 2013

Day 4

Hi Corey,

Another slow and steady day!

The Doctors and Nurses are trying to slowly bring you out of your coma. And they even took you off of the ventilators today for about 30 minutes. You did have a coughing spell, but who wouldn't after having tubes shoved down your throat for 3 days. After the coughing spell the Doctors felt it was better to go back on the ventilator. Good news is you can breathe on your own but your body at this time just appreciates the little extra help.

I do feel for you! Even through the morphine and other medication you are still feeling pain. I'm not sure the severity of the pain you feel but it's enough to ask for medication.  

The Youth Pastor at your dads church, Nash, is going to be taking care of the house while everyone is away. Your dad, James, and myself stayed at the house with him last night and showed him all the inner workings of the house. It's great that he is so willing to help out during this time of need and I know he is a huge relief to your parents.

Your dad drove back to Charleston to be with you today. Pam, Meredith, and PawPaw went back to Atlanta but they are planning on coming back soon. You have lots of friends texting and Facebook-ing you. We're answering your phone and checking your Facebook, James hopes this is ok but you know he is going to do it whether you want him to or not. Many of them want to make plans to visit you. Don't feel like they don't love and care for you but we have asked them to wait until after surgery to make plans to visit. We thought this would be best for you and better for them to be able to see you when you are actually awake and responding. We're hoping by surgery you will be able to actually talk not just speak in nods and thumbs up.

Church people are still stopping by to sit in the lobby with the family. The love and support people are showing for you and the family is overwhelming. We daily are appreciative of the blessings of life. Even people who don't know you, such as the Glynn County Chamber of Commerce Ambassador's are praying and thinking of it. What an awesome support team you have!

We're all standing strong with you Corey and are thanking God daily for the healing power He is providing. You are in the best care that you could have. We all love you!

- Sarah :)


  1. Corey,
    With the help of God and doctors; support of family and friends you will be like a Timex - "Take a licking and keep on ticking". May God provide healing you need, comfort to your family and guidance to the doctors.
    Chip and Tammy Caldwell - FBC family

  2. Corey, I am finding that it is harder to be in Atlanta than Charleston. I am praying for you constantly and I will see you on Thursday. What am I praying for? Complete healing!!!

    Aunt Pam

    Sarah........thanks for doing this! It is good for Corey, but it is good for all of us to be able to pass info on using your blog!
