Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 3

Hi Corey,

You are making great progress today! You were alert and interacting with everyone. You are aware of the tubes, needles, and machines but every few hours you seem to forget where you are at and what's going on. I think it's all the medication you have for pain that is making you a little forgetful. The Nurse did tell James that you were on the good stuff! ;)

We still aren't quite sure what came of you MRI but you are going for spinal surgery on July 5th. We are all anxious to wait that long but we believe it is best to let your swelling go down and for you to be breathing on your own before we stress your body with surgery. The best Doctors and Nurses are going to be staff next Friday for your surgery. You're going to be in great hands, both literally and metaphorically.

Your dad was comfortable enough with your progress to come home for the night to pack clothing and settle the house before going back to Charleston. James came home with him so he didn't have to ride alone. You are breathing with the ventilator on the lowest setting. You are breathing 60% on your own and 40% with the machine.

Sharon and Jim have been more than accommodating to the family. They have opened their home to the entire family and are visiting ICU daily just to sit with the family. It has relieved the stress of hotel rooms as we approach a holiday weekend in a tourist area with really expensive hotel prices. It has also freed ICU waiting room space for others to use.

James, Brad, Tina, and myself are grateful beyond words for the thoughts, prayers, phone calls, snacks, and unspoken generosity that friends, family, and strangers have bestowed upon us in support of you. Your army is growing stronger daily. We are all standing Corey strong!

I love you man! I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.

- Sarah

PS; if anyone wants to send me pictures of Corey I'll make sure to post them to this website.

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